Subtitle editor
This is the most important toolbar with the actual editor There are
3 fields:
- Subtitle Start - Shows subtitle
start time. Depending on the main mode, the start time can be displayed
in frames or time. The panel left from the editbox displays the units
(Fr. - frames, HMS - Hours:Mins:Secs,Fraction). When you change
the units, either the converted value from the editbox or the value
stored in subtitle is shown. This is configurable. (When converting
time->frame->time there is a loss of precision. So you can
configure if you want to recalculate the value (and lose precision) or
use the other value stored in the subtitle. This does not introduce the
precision loss but the value that was entered in the box is lost. The
precision loss occurs only in time-based subtitles, in frame based
subtitles the times are already recalculated from frames). The buttons associated with this edit fields are
(left to rigth):
- Input current movie position
- Seek the movie to the edited position
- Change the units (Fr. or HMS)
- Subtitle End - Shows subtitle end
- Subtitle text - Shows the text of
the subtitle. Line count is unlimited (theoretically; on WinNT/2000/XP
it is limited by your computer's memory). Using Shift + Enter, line
break at cursor position is performed and \N
is added at the end of the first line.