Right-click menu
This is a popup menu and can be invoked in most SP windows and
dialogs by clicking the right mouse button. It has always 3 sections:
- Caption - determines to which
window the menu belongs (useful when right-clicking a toolbar that is
docked to a different window than it's original parent. Caption is only
present in the menu for the main window and it's 4 child windows, in
other dialogs the menu is without caption.
- Window-specific items - various items depending on the menu's parent window. These items enable to hide/show toolbars and to access toolbar buttons.
- User interface - configure the user interface layout.
User interface
This item is present in all right-click menus and it enables to configure the interface of SP. It contains 4 items:
- Theme - select a theme (appearance) for the user interface. Various themes are supported.
- Language - select the language of SP's interface. Just for convenience, it has the same function as the Language file option i Settings window and the Language item in Main window.
- Load UI Layout - load the user interface layout from file. UI layout is also remembered when exiting SP.
- Save UI Layout - save the UI layout to file for future loading.