PlayList editor
This window displays the PlayList and allows to manipulate the items
The toolbar contains multiple tools for manipulating the PlayList
- Open PlayList - Same as in Main window in Open menu.
- Save PlayList - Same as in Main window in Open menu.
- Enqueue - Enqueue items from
opened playlist into the existing PlayList (when not checked, the
playlist is cleared before loading a new one)
- Add item - Add new playable file
to the PlayList (multiple files can be opened at once).
- Remove item - Remove the selected
- Move item up - Move selected item
one position up.
- Move item down - Move selected
item one position down.
- Move item one level up - Move
selected item one level up in the tree
- Play / Pause - Play or pause the
selected item
- Stop - Stop playback.
- Previous item - Play previous item
- Next item - Play next item
- Delete loop - Delete loop
definition in the selected item.
- Loop start, Loop end - Enable or disable selected item's
- Stay expanded - The tree will
stay expanded after item operations, otherwise it will collapse
- Expand all items - Fully expand
whole tree
- Collapse all items - Collapse all
- Show movie data editor - Show the
bottom panel with movie data editor
Item list
The items can be displayed in multiple fonts:
- bold - this item is currently
- normal - normal item
- italic
- Loop column - loop is not
- Name column - item has subitems
The columns are:
- (empty) - Tree outline - arrow
images mean items with subitem, triangle images denote playable items
- Name - Item display name
- Duration - Item duration (whole
media file)
- Loop - Loop definition
- [ - Loop start is valid
- ] - Loop end is valid
- times: loop start, loop end,
loop duration
- Subtitles - Item's subtitle file
The list allows multiple interactions:
- Double click - play selected item
- Drag&drop - move the item to
another position
- Edit (Name column) - click on
selected cell or press F2
- Right click - menu:
- Change source file - Allows to
change the source file associated with the item. Useful when the file
gets renamed. Can be used with multiple selected files.
- Offset loop - Allows to move
the loop definitions in time (e.g. when changing the source file that
has a part cut off). Works with multiple selected files.
- Subtitles
- Select file - select new
- Remove - remove the subtitles
Movie data editor
Here you can specify various information about the playlist.
Selected item tab allows tio edit information about the selected item,
PlayList tab contains information for whole playlist. Most of the items
are editable.
The 2 edit fields in this panel are for editing loop start (top edit
field) and loop end (bottom field).
The two buttons are:
- Extract from HTML: Opens HTML Parser dialog
- Export MVDs: Export MVD files for
all items in the playlist. Displays Select folder dialog to select a
folder for export