Editor module - SPEditorInterface
Interface functions for communication with the Editor window and
editor functions.
Module methods
- Return array of indexes of selected subtitles in the Subtitles
list in Editor. For example when the first and fourth subtitles are
selected, the result will be [0, 3]
- Select rows in Subtitles list by an array of booleans specifying
whether the particular subtitle shall be selected. For example when
there are 4 subtitles and the first and last shall be selected, pass
[true, false, false, true] to this function.
- selection: array of booleans
- Return: always true
- Select single row in Subtitles list by it's index
- Return: always true
- Get the index of edited subtitle.
- Return:
- index of edited subtitle
- -1 if no subtitle is selected for editing.