
Loop is a portion of the a media file. When the loop is defined, only that portion of the file is played. The PlayList engine allows to have multiple items that will have the same media file but different loop definitions. This is useful to define a playlist with multiple items for a single movie (video clips in a DVD-rip) or audio file (LP rip with tracks in single file).

Loop user interface

Player window contains a loop editor, that allows precise loop definition:

The editor consists of 3 buttons and 2 bookmark edits. The left button determines whether the loop start is valid (checked) or not valid (unchecked). The left bookmark edit allows to specify the exact position of the loop start. The right button and right edit determine the loop ending position.

The middle button allows to split current PlayList item. This function creates a new entry in the playlist right after the current item, with the same media file. The current item gets a loop end time using the current position in the media file. The new item will get a loop start time with the same value. This function is very useful when creating playlist for a DVDrip containing multiple clips in a single file. This function has also it's own keyboard action.

Loops can be also edited using the OSD seek bar. This way is very effective and comfortable.

If the playlist item becomes unselectable due to invalid loop definition (e.g. starting position after ending position), the loop can be deleted using the appropriate button in the PlayList editor toolbar. You can also use the Ignore loops function in the Player window so the player will ignore loop definitions and the item becomes selectable.

The loop is considered to be valid if at least one of the markers is valid (starting and/or ending).